Ryan Talbot


Game Design 2: 3D Final Project




Unity3D, Blender


April 2021

When it came time for my team to figure out what game we were making, we very quickly arrived at a scavenger hunt as inspiration for our mechanics and feel. But we weren’t sure how best to incorporate the idea of a bridge into this. At first we considered a troll under the bridge type of scenario where you would be required to find items in order to pass the bridge, but we worried that we might be confining our level design to a static, empty area if we did this.

Eventually, we came up with the idea that the “bridge” is the command deck of a spaceship that you’re on, and that the scavenger hunt consists of tasks you must complete to fix the ship and try to discover what happened to the rest of the crew.


This was my second time working with a team on a game. One major thing I learned was the need to be flexible.

At the start of the project, we planned meetings and deadlines that always fell a day or two before the assignment was actually due. This allowed us to stay ahead where we could, and catch up if we needed it.

I also learned about the

importance of being flexible with responsibilities. Another team member had too much on their plate near the end, so I was able to pick up some of their responsibilities and help ensure that we met our final deadline.