Ryan Talbot

The Long Rain

Unity — 2021 Global Game Jam


"Lost and Found"


January 2021

This was my first time collaborating on a game development project, and my first time participating in a Game Jam. This was a valuable experience for me, as I learned about how game development is different when on a team, the importance of communication between team members, and the dangers of scope creep over a short, 96 hour time period.

Scope Creep

I kept on wanting to add more and more minigames, or write more and more asset interaction dialogues for our game. I'm extremely grateful for my fellow team members, who were more experienced than me and helped me to resist the urge to implement every single idea I had into the game. Since we were working towards the Global Game Jam deadline, we weren't even able to implement all of the reduced content that we had created. While we're working on implementing some more of our work now, this was a valuable lesson for me in terms of understanding the dangers of unrestricted scope.